
With fair interest rates and high security, you can grow your capital with Abax both as a lender as well as a borrower.

Shape Abax with us!

Join the Abax Discourse:
Shape the future of lending in the Aleph Zero ecosystem. Participate in the development of tokenomics, governance processes of the DAO, by sharing your meaningful ideas. Become one of the earliest contributors to the project that values your input and rewards you for your efforts.
Read the document and undestand core concepts of Abax.
Governance Forum
Participate by proposing upgrades and discussing the future of the protocol with the Abax community.
Abax Token
Read and discuss the DAO token tokenomics proposal.


Making Decentralized Lending Even Better

Innovative Position Risk Model

Abax Protocol calculates the maximum debt for each user`s based on users collaterals and debts that built position. Each asset contributes differently to the position depending on it`s volatitlity... Read more

Flexible Borrowing Rules

Abax is highly customizable at its core. To create the best borrowing experience possible it allows borrowers to choose from many Market Rules. The Market Rules regulate the way which assets can be borrowed and how... Read more

Fair Interest Rate Model

Abax Protocol uses a dynamic interest rate model that adjusts based on market demand, ensuring fair and competitive rates for users. Its flexible model maximizes...Read more

A powerful protocol

Regulatory Compliance

Compliance with relevant regulations is a key goal of the Abax community. With a focus on compliance and transparency, we aim to establish Abax as a trustworthy and reliable partner for both lenders and borrowers.

User Interface tailored to your needs

Whether you`re an experienced blockchain user or new to the technology, the Abax App provides an intuitive and user-friendly way to utilize all the features of the platform.

Cross-chain Compatibility

The protocol is built on Aleph Zero and will allow for cross-chain compatibility once Aleph Zero bridges to Polkadot and other ecosystems.


Phase 1
Converge on the vision of the DAO
  • Design and agree on the governance processes
  • Design and agree on the tokenomics and initial distribution
Present the product on testnet
  • Implement a web-app
  • Perform testing of the contracts and web-app
  • Release of the product on the testnet
Phase 2
Initialize the on-chain governance
  • Implement Governance Token contract
  • Implement Initial Distribution contract
  • Implement Governor contract
  • Audit Governor, Token, and Initial Distribution contracts
  • Perform initial contribution round
Prepare product for the mainnet launch
  • Perform an Audit of Abax Lending Protocol
Establish a foundation
Phase 3
Launch Abax Lending Protocol on mainnet
  • Deploy Lending Protocol as a DAO
  • Add assets to the lending protocol through the governance
  • Govern and Improve!